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Spaceflight is the use and exploration of the space 100 kilometres and higher above the Earth. It is related to Astronomy, but is different in that astronomy is about looking at space, and spaceflight is actually going there.

  1. Introduction
  2. History of spaceflight
    1. Early pioneers
    2. The 1940s
    3. The 1950s
    4. The 1960s
    5. The 1970s
    6. The 1980s
    7. The 1990s
    8. The 2000s
  3. Uses of spaceflight
    1. Communication
    2. Predicting weather
    3. Science
    4. Spying
  4. Rockets
  5. Exploration
  6. Tourism
  7. The future
  8. Glossary (word list)