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Sauteing is a very common way to prepare food. Most recipes have something that needs be sauteed. Sauteing is very easy to do, although you have to be careful while doing it.

What is Saute?

To saute a dish means to cook something (usually onions or other vegetables) in some kind of oil. Sauteed food is food that has been chopped up into small pieces and then cooked or browned in a pan containing some butter, oil, or other kind of fat.

How to saute

Here are a few easy steps to saute any kind of food.

Sauteing in a frying pan

  1. Depending on how much food you have, put in some oil (or butter). The more food, the more oil. For a chopped vegetable the size of an onion, 1 or 2 Tablespoons is a good amount.
  2. Heat the oil up in the pan on medium heat, making sure that all of the fat melts.
  3. When it is melted, step back from the stove a little bit (because the fat splatters hot liquid when you put something into it) and carefully dump in your vegetables.
  4. Immediately turn down the heat to low, and stir it up to mix the oil in with the vegetables.
  5. Keep stirring it on low heat until the vegetables are soft. If you are sauteing onions, they should be golden.
  6. When they are soft, turn off the heat, and your done!

Sauteing in a pot

  1. Follow steps 1, 2, 3, and 4 of sauteing in a frying pan.
  2. When you turn the heat down to low, cover the pot with a lid.
  3. Check and stir the vegetables once every 2 minutes after that until the vegetables are soft. If you are sauteing onions, they should be golden. Remember to put the pot lid back on after you are finished stirring.
  4. When they are finished, turn off the heat.