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Biology/Systems/Digestive System

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Digestive system

The Digestive System

The digestive system is what a human uses to eat. Food comes in through our mouth is broken down in our stomach and our body takes the food in through the intestines. Then the waste goes out through the anus.

The digestive system is made of many organs. Here are some of the organs and their functions:

Esophagus - Pushes food down into the stomach.
Stomach - Breaks down food with acid and by squeezing.
Liver - Makes a thing called bile that breaks down fat.
Gallbladder - Stores the bile and adds it when it is needed.
Pancreas - Makes chemicals that break down food.
Small intestine - Absorbs food for body.
Large intestine - Absorbs water and salt.
Rectum - Stores waste.
Appendix - Holds bacteria that can break down food and make vitamin K.